KUKA Robotics is in place in Hungary since 1991 as a leader manufacturing company of industrial robots. KUKA is an acronym developed from the establishers – Keller und Knappich Augsburg.
The company manufactures industrial robot components as the subsidiary of the german KUKA AG. The organization supplies the control cabinets, controls, cabels all over the world from Hungary. KUKA Robotics Hungária Ipari Kft. has 4 sites which can be found in Taksony, Budapest Füzesgyarmat and Temesvár in Romania. The company has more than 1500 employees currently. Taksony is the administrative headquater and important productive, planner, sales and educational center as well. The R&D started in Budapest in the nearly past. They are supporting the KUKA group with software development. KUKA Hungária is one of the biggest employer in Békés-county. The organization secures the high quality of sales activities and maintenance services with the continuous education of the employees. The Hungarian center manages the operation of sales and service network in Romania and Bulgaria as well.